Getting started

3 C's: Chat, Consult & Choose

CHAT: Schedule a free 20 minute conversation to share your concerns with me.

CONSULT: What are the biggest challenges? We want to hear the WHOLE story. 

Which particular doggie shenanigans are pushing your buttons the most? We come to you or schedule a Zoom session for an hour consultation.

CREATE: Together we will choose -or create - the best training plan for your darn good dog.

Click on the options below to learn more and get started!





"Truly cares about what is best."

"Joan Marie is a wonderful professional and shares her knowledge and joy with dogs and their families. She truly cares about what is best for the dog!" - Jenny L. 

"Constructive and supportive."

"Joan (Harris) was always someone with whom I felt comfortable talking things over; she was never judgmental, but constructive and supportive. " - Maia R.